Personal Line
Cróqui Personal is our individual serving, ideal for a snack, breakfast, work or at any time of the day.
Fresh, crunchy and very tasty, Cróqui Personal brings together in a single product taste, vitamins, mineral, fiber and a lot, a lot of energy.
Enjoy this tasty line that you can take anywhere you like! Health and good taste at anytime!
Available in 30g (1oz) sachets. Practical and beautiful.

Croqui Protein 25g (0.88oz)

Special Edition Cróqui Conquest
of the Everest 30g (1.05oz)

Croqui Personal
Original 30g (1.058oz)

Croqui Personal Banana
and Honey 30g (1.058oz)

Croqui Personal
Nuts 30g (1.058oz)

Croqui Personal
Chocolate 30g (1.058oz)

Croqui Personal Original
Display 20x30g (1.058oz)

Croqui Personal Banana and
Honey Display 20x30g (1.058oz)

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